7 Unique Regulation on Pornography - MORTIFLY

7 Unique Regulation on Pornography

7 Unique Regulation on Pornography

A glance though looks trivial, but pornography is an industry that produces a lot of money in some countries have legalized pornography.

However, in some countries still taboo pornography. They give severe penalties for anyone who deploy or access all the porn. Other laws of other countries, there is even a liberating pornography accessible all ages. Curious which country has this strange rules, see below.

1. Sweden, Free For All Ages
If in some countries, prohibit pornographic or age limit for people who may access, unlike in Sweden. The country is freed of all ages to be able to access pornography. Whether it is a part of sex education or not.

2. Prohibition of Small Breasts in Australia
In Australia, all things pornographic photographs and films are circulated striptease. However, there are restrictions that should not be violated industry players. Small tits display ban is strictly forbidden because it is expected to promote pedophilia.

3. Tight Sensor in Japan
Japanese porn industry is enormous. Moreover, the country is to release all the industry's lust. However, there is a prohibition that should not be violated, which displays a vital tool and book pubic clearly. Everything should be censored for the adult publication.

4. Death Penalty in North Korea
North Korea gives strict rules for who is accessing, distributing and displaying pornography. did not hesitate to the government would provide the death penalty for the perpetrators.

5. Tax Pornography in France
The porn industry could also provide revenue for the state. Masivnya in France with the industry to make this entry in taxes. Government levy a tax of 33% to each industry.

6. Prison 3 years in China
China has strict rules for those who see porn films. They will impose a sentence of 3 years in prison if found to see the movie-Esek Esek.

7. Mandatory Condoms in Brazil
Brazil frees the adult film industry produces films. But there is one rule that should never be banned, that all porn stars are required to wear a condom. This prohibition is often ignored, by the producers and performers. but if looks did not use a condom the production house will be revoked.

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